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A refurbished Philips Brilliance CT 64 scanner is among the most versatile CT scanners on the market. With a 64 slice count, the refurbished Brilliance 64 CT is an excellent choice for cardiac, trauma, pediatric, and pulmonary exams where a high slice count is required for its speed and image resolution.
With the Philips MRC tube in the Brilliance 64, the time between sequences is reduced and operators can continue an exam without delay.
The DoseWise technology is an important aspect of Philips Brilliance series and performs very well for targeting the smallest dose size with very high image resolution.
Many imaging experts recommend the used Philips Brilliance CT 64-channel for those needing the higher resolution and advanced CT capabilities. Often customers prefer the Philips CT scanners features that include ease-of-use, dose efficiency, and fast image reconstruction.
The scanner, which has four times as many detectors as a typical multi-detector CT scanner, combines unrivaled image quality with remarkable speed. It can produce detailed pictures of any organ in a few seconds and provide sharp, clear, three-dimensional images, including 3-D views of the blood vessels, in an instant…
A 40-slice scanner collects images covering 20 to 32 millimeters in a single pass and a tightly packed 64-slice device can cover about 40 millimeters at a pass, which takes 0.4 seconds.
At that rate, a 64-slice scanner can gather a high-resolution image of a heart, brain or a pair of lungs in about five seconds. A scan of the whole body, (in search of a blood clot, for example, that has become a source of emboli) takes about 30 seconds.
The technology has been particularly exciting for studying the beating heart, providing the first clear non-invasive images of the heart and its major vessels. The scans can be timed to use only images gathered between contractions, so that the heart and its vessels can be seen without the blurring caused by motion.
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